Friday, December 6, 2013

Intend To Avoid Holiday Stress

Time to go Christmas shopping! Get those lights up! Hey, what about the tree? How do we hide that bald spot on it unless we put it in the corner? Cookies? What do we need to bring to what party? I don't want to go to your uncle's house again; it feels weird there. These are just a very small sample of the dominate thought patterns that plague most of us this time of year. 

The Christmas/Thanksgiving season and stress seem to come hand in hand, don't they? How much of this stress is self induced? All of it. You, yourself, and you are the cause of all of the holiday stress that you are feeling or have ever felt. It is not your fault; it is not the fault of anyone really. These thought patterns get passed down from generation to generation, person to person..we are conditioned to it. 

We are all energetic beings, and therefore even when we feel that we have "raised our game" to be above the holiday stress in the end most of us eventually succumb to it in some way. How can we protect ourselves?
Protecting yourself from the stress and lower energy vibrations of others is a two step process. First, you must raise your own vibration and energy to be above those around you. This of course can have two effects: everyone in the room tries to counteract your higher vibrational level of energy with their lowered vibrations, or their vibrations rise up to meet the level that you have intentionally set. The problem is that you don't know which of the two will happen. Or do you? It is not enough to raise your vibration, energy, or for some of you this equates to mood, which brings me to the second thing that you need to do. 

Setting the intention to maintain a higher level of energy also is not still have the issue of those in the room that are trying to draw your energy down. I had an epiphany while doing an energy experiment yesterday; actually it was more of a hard palm smack to the forehead with the thought of "seriously, I knew this all along!".

The epiphany was....

Setting an intention for all those around you, for the environmental surroundings around you, and for everything down the last particle of air that you breathe to be raised to a higher energy level. That's it. Simple. 

Going to the gym? Set your intention for everyone to be working out today with a smile on their face. BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE!!!!! Then set an intention for yourself to be in a higher state of energy. Yes, you set your intention second. It is the old adage of "what you put out you get back" at work. Putting out the intention of everyone being happy before you ultimately raises your own elevation, as those that are elevated around you brings everything up around you, making it hard for anyone to stay down for long, even if for a moment.

Still not sure what I am talking about? Watch this:

I have simplified the above of course, and I have my own issues in accomplishing this, though I only had the epiphany yesterday. But, do what I have done...take an index card and write down two or three positive affirmations that instantly raise you up. If nothing comes to mind, just think of a funny line from a movie that cracks you up, or anything that comes to mind over the course of the day that makes you smile. It is simple, it is easy, and you can do it. 

Imagine if everyone does this...imagine the differences you will see in the stores, at family gatherings, company parties, or in any passerby you encounter on the street. You will get sick less, have more energy, and have less stress. You may even find yourself drawn to meditate more...actually I know that you will find yourself drawn to meditate more. 

Bringing up your energy level, your vibrational level, leads to a healthy and habit spirit; a grand sense of well being and abundance and, to borrow a line from Dr. Joe Dispenza, "an elevated state of emotion". 

Isn't that where we all want to be? 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bucket List Update

It is time for another bucket list update for the year, covering everything up through October 1st.

Item 1: Complete a Book Idea. I have handwritten out three more chapters, and am now at around 14,500 words. I didn’t get as far as I would have liked, but came across yet more research that has shown promise in greatly helping with one of the subplots. Grade: B

Item 2: Promote/Expand Postings over the summer have largely stopped due to other time constraints, but overall viewership for the year is up 21%. Grade: C+

Item 3: Raise Awareness of using Natural and Local Goods. In the same state as the last post. Grade: A-

Item 4: This has been the most improved item, although it took a sad event to improve here. It was very enjoyable to spend more time with my family, and although I haven’t had much time the past couple of weeks with all the catching up that needs to be done, some great things came out that will keep the flow going here. Grade: B

Item 5: Read At Least One Book Every Three Weeks. I have fallen off the pace more than a bit and most likely will not be able to catch up this year. Not that I won’t try… Grade: D

Item 6: Review an Indie Writer's Book...At Least 6 this Year. I am right on track with four reviews written; that keeps me right on pace with a review every other month. Grade: C

Item 7: Get into nature at least five times a month: Another place of great improvement. I spend at least an hour every day in nature, which has greatly helped me in meditation, Reiki, and life. Grade: B+

Item 8: Increase Spiritual Pursuits. I do daily meditations daily, both walking and the more known Buddhist style. I still find them to be especially strong the day after a new moon and the day before a full moon. Wonderful things are happening here, even though my lower brain still yells a little too loud at times. I was attuned to Reiki Master level, and this weekend will begin Reiki Master Teacher training. Grade: A-

Item 9: STC. This one is largely on hold. I continue to research and watch developments so that I am ready at a moment’s notice. Grade: C

Item 10: Master Polish. Doskonale! (Excellent).  Ha! I wish! More pieces of the puzzle are coming together as I enter into level A2 classes. Speaking is still a challenge, but reading comprehension is much better, writing is getting better as well as my spelling, and listening are going well. Grade: B+

Item 11: Continue to Frequent the Little Guy. Done and done…no change here. Grade: A-

Item 12: Shameless Self Promotion. I have continued my efforts and recently surpassed 1000 Twitter followers...all of which are non-spammer, active, users. Grade: B

Item 13: Aviation. Attended the EAA annual Fly-in, and have dived into aviation history as part of my book project. There is still a long way to go. Grade: D

Overall: Grade C+. I have made some big improvements in some areas, but fell off a little bit in others. This just proves that it is hard to balance everything that you want on your plate at the buffet table of life.

Ode To My Grandma

Each time I sat down to write this, I was filled with a sense of confusion. How do I, in a short collection of sentences and words, convey the life and love of my grandma? 

While debating the words to put down I came across a quote on Facebook; “Fall is the perfect time to honor the people, places, events, situations and times that have impacted your path.” She only saw about 10 days of this fall before leaving this earth. Those ten days afforded us all a lot of thought about who she is and how special she is.

Going through her house, boxes, her life…so many pieces are put together. Her house had a lavender sachet pillow in seemingly every corner of every room, closet, or cabinet, giving her house and belongings a distinct lavender scent. The boxes of photos, religious cards, funeral “In Memoriam Of” cards, receipts, recipe books, catalogues, and magazines drew a vivid picture of a life that I had only heard an occasional stray story of. 

As the first boxes were brought to my parents’ house, the common thought was “why did she save all of this?” The answer is so vividly clear to me now, and no, it does not involve her randomly sticking a $20 bill in some strange place once in a while. In saving all of these things…she turned her house into a large, living time capsule of life for us to find, unearth, and relive some of those moments from her life, as well as many in our family that were able to meet her when she arrived in heaven.

The memories come like a flood to my mind; the occasional ride with Adam in grandma’s car to a nearby playground or to her sister’s house in the car that would later become my own. Fuzzy barking like crazy, riding the Big Wheels that maintained a place in her garage, or the grocery shopping trips with her that seemingly lasted for days. Playing Monster cards or Pick Up Sticks, doodling on the chalkboard in the basement…the list gets longer and longer.

The earliest memories of my many visits to her home that persist until this very day are the blue walls that still are present in parts of her house. That was her favorite color, though anyone that visited her home would have easily guessed this. Blue is significant because in Christianity it symbolizes heaven. That explains why a trip to grandma’s house was always a little slice of heaven for us all.

I remember that she always had the widest range of diet soda…anything from Tab to diet chocolate soda. I remember the taste of that first sip of diet chocolate soda until this day…yuck! In recent years she was given as a Christmas gift a soda maker so that she could make her own soda. It is funny to me that my grandma, who never had the internet or a computer, is immortalized on YouTube thanks to the first attempt at making soda with this machine. 

Christmas memories with her all fly by like the snow in the wind…so vivid in the moment but it just all starts to run together when looking back in time. Her gingerbread cookies were always just right, and my brother and I were amazed at how she could always remember those special gifts on our lists that Santa had apparently forgotten. While on the topic of Christmas, who could forget her asking about who was whining on about Christmas on that cd upstairs? Mariah Carey, grandma. Her and mom’s discussions on how to best use those Christmas crafting gifts will be missed the most I think.

The love of crafting that she shared with mom will be what I remember the most. Her house was a literal gallery of her many love filled creations. Many of those boxes that were gone through contained so many of her thoughts and creative pouring’s, and I cannot help but to feel a little sad that many of these will not be realized. 

Back to the quote that I read earlier…how has she impacted the paths of those that have been blessed with her heart at one time? How can anyone of us answer that? All of us here are on our current path because of the love that she gave us, her family and friends, and life. Our love for her has us here to say goodbye to her physical life, but also to say good morning to her where she is now.
I love my grandma for all that she was, is, and will be.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Change in the Flow

It has been nearly nine months since my first Reiki attunement, and almost two months since I received the Reiki Master attunement. Throughout this nine month window, I have noticed modest changes in both how I carry myself, view myself, and see the world around me. Here are the five items that I have noticed the most since being attuned.

1. My mind is much calmer and more peaceful in all thought. It doesn’t matter if it is a writing problem, life problem, or a computer problem…the thoughts that come are steady, smooth, and rarely negative. Any negative thoughts that come wash away quickly.

2. I go with the flow much easier. We all have that “battling” feeling when things are not quite going to plan. For me, the battle has been fought largely in the time management arena…always rushing to get one thing done to hit the other 50 things on the to-do list. This no longer is a problem. I have the same amount of hours in a day, and haven’t really dropped anything, but everything just flows. And as long as I go with the flow, everything is grand. When I try to fight the current, the waves kick up and the battle begins anew.

3. Healing can come in many forms, most of which cannot be predicted. Louise Hay has made a connection between issues with the emotional and spiritual-self manifesting into physical ailments. This takes us to…

4. Setting an expectation of any healing, whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual leads often to misunderstanding and confusion. You may expect the doctor to heal your sore knee through a surgical procedure, but find yourself in the same place as you were pre-surgery. Why? Referring back to Ms. Hay, knee issues can stem not only from a physical injury, but from an inability to go with the flow, or fear, or pride, or even kidney issues. In setting an expectation for your knee to be healed in surgery, you are only scratching the surface on what could really be causing your knee problems, and you will be left wondering why your knee still hurts.

5. Be a part of the moment that you are a part of…that means no looking back or ahead. Just be.
One thing I found most interesting in thinking and meditating on this list is that many of the points above were reinforced during a series of energy work sessions that my friend Sadiqua performed ( Additionally, the Reiki meditations and techniques I learned from my Reiki teacher Michele Tegen (, who has always been there to add advice, suggestions, lend and recommend reading material, and to answer my many classes along my path were invaluable in gaining the vision to see the changes for what they are without attachment to outcome. My girlfriend Kasia, who is also attuned to the Reiki Master level, has granted me valuable insights and understandings of how things work, and has been my rock through it all. 

Although this list is only a drop in the Reiki bucket of energy, these points illustrate some of the changes I have seen within myself, my observations, and how I notice others interacting with me. Perhaps these are not really changes; perhaps Reiki has simply lifted a layer of haze to give me a new vision on what is what. Or maybe it is the wonder of Reiki energy doing its thing.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Train Wreck

In a world of fluidity, his night air is filled with the stench of stagnation. The scent of clothes in dire need of a rinse cycle smothers a corner of his room. Across the room stands an empty bottle of Jack, surrounded by the long extinguished remains of cheap, stale vending machine cigarettes that once filled his lungs with the self-destructiveness he delivers to himself with growing regularity. The pack from which these remains came lay crumpled near the door, a constant reminder of his present moment.

The lone light bulb he needs to paint the room in a yellow glow miserably fails, exasperated by the continually declining condition of a dying street lamp on the street below. Flickers of street light, a dim ceiling light, and no smokes…no Jack…the life he now lives reflected back.

How does one find cause in a train wreck, a train wreck consuming itself? A glimmer of hope that ceases to exist, a wreck of a promising life lay on his floor in ruin…but how? Why? When? Memories are fleeting when he needs them the most; the future that greets him is more dire than most. A riddle, a mystery, the unsolved crime of life permeates him this very stale night.

The essence of light, so pure in theory, now leaves the future closed and dreary. His hands held to his face, a quiver in his knees, as he ponders his fate again and again. No air enters through the window on the wall, no hope descends…no prayers are answered.

A faint sound of laughter enters his ears; only the right one at first…then over to the left. He thinks to himself, “It is 4am, who besides my kind and lovers are still awake?” The laughter grows louder, and takes over everything; he is startled when the faint light bulb suddenly does its job. Annoyed and scared, he throws his head out the window, to a vision that stuns his emotionless self.

A couple walks, obviously homeless, and the happiness that holds them rudely grabs and holds him too. Stunned and angry, he laughs at himself. His anger grows at the hold of this happiness, leading to more laughter. “I am so angry at their intrusion; why can I not stop laughing?” The brick hits him. Unexpected. Hard. Unyielding in weight and force.

The moment passes, he opens his eyes. The early morning rays of sun reveal the sharpness of the cracked paint that defines the ceiling he now stares at. Memories of the night are vivid, but the emotion of the night forgotten. He rises from the floor, rubs his head, yet feels no bump…no pain. The memory of the brick is vivid, and yet there is no wound, no aftereffect, no brick.

A smile cracks his face as the sunlight begins to seep through the cracks between the surrounding buildings to flood his room in light. The warmth of the world has returned, the warmth of his soul has returned with it. Alive, warm, and happy…a rebirth of a life starting anew.

He walks to the door, bends, and gently removes the crumpled cigarette pack from the floor. He pauses for a moment before placing it gently in the hungry trash basket. Searching the room, he spots the cigarette remains, the empty bottle of Jack, and uses them to feed his hungry trash basket.

The room is now free of his self-destruction. He walks to the door, opens it, and closes a chapter of his life, leaving behind a now satisfied trash basket and a smothering pile of clothes in a corner. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Live the Part…and Show Gratitude

No matter what the passion is that drives you, living in that world may seem far away at times. It is important, and this applies not just to the creative world but to any vocation, to live the part of what your passion is. It is very simple to say, very simple to do, but for many this idea seems worlds away.

Think about it, especially those of you making a living or spending far too much of your time earning your way but not jumping into the pool of passion that is rightàthereàin front of-àyou. It is RIGHT THERE. Excuses are just that…excuses. These are bountiful in any cafeteria, pub, or party conversation: “I would love to do that but…” or “I wish I could, but…”, and of course the popular “I just can’t, ok?”.

But you can…of course you can. Will you have a Grammy-winning singing career? Probably not, but if you don’t try, you will never know. If your vocal range limits you to karaoke night at the local pub, then so be it…let that moment be yours. Are you an artist? Create art…even if for only a 10 minute part of your day, it all counts…it all matters.

Lastly…and most importantly…show and express gratitude in everything that you do. In fact, show gratitude for whatever it is that you want to do, say, or accomplish. If you are already expressing thanks for something that has not yet happened, or that you wish to do or have happen, put out that gratuitous energy, as it will come back to you in ways that you least expect. Those of you that are familiar with the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza ( know exactly what I’m talking about…

Monday, April 29, 2013

In The Balance...

The toughest part of freelance writing and blogging is the balancing act one must perform between a day job, writing related tasks and reading, spending time with family and friends, and the general day to day life things that we all come across.  

Although I would like to think that I have it all under control, there are moments when it becomes painfully obvious that I do not. Life, no matter how much you think you are planning or manifesting, still manages to throw in a series of unpredictable events that quickly lay waste to even the best laid out plans. Things like losing your car for a day or two, or missing a flight to find everything else booked, or something throwing you off your game just enough to give that odd, but not very pleasant, amiss feeling as your day moves forward, can all mess up your rhythm and lead to all those great writing plans going astray.

So how does one maintain the balance of work and writing with life demands? They are all necessary; you need work to pay the bills, and you need writing to feel whole, while you need life to provide love energy exchange with significant others, family, friends, and the universe as a whole. 

Deep breaths....meditation....strength...pushing out and releasing all things negative and anxiety provoking. Accepting that there are some things that will come up that you cannot change the direction of, and that in riding out the wave, things will smooth out, and you will be back on track. Sound easy? Of course it isn't.
But that doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong, just that you are evolving. As you adapt and adjust to the changes and events coming and going at sometimes breakneck speed, it almost seems to start getting easier the more insane it gets. For me, the crazier it is, the more focused I am...not that I'm rooting for crazy. I do enjoy a mostly relaxed pace, but in short spurts crazy busy can lead to some crazy grand results. 
Embrace what comes your way, as it is meant to come your way to develop some aspect of your life, career, or spirituality. 

Yes, I know it's not easy, and I have certainly failed at it many times myself. I shake off the failures, regroup, try to learn from what I did wrong, and move onto the next task.