Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bucket List Update

It is time for another bucket list update for the year, covering everything up through October 1st.

Item 1: Complete a Book Idea. I have handwritten out three more chapters, and am now at around 14,500 words. I didn’t get as far as I would have liked, but came across yet more research that has shown promise in greatly helping with one of the subplots. Grade: B

Item 2: Promote/Expand Postings over the summer have largely stopped due to other time constraints, but overall viewership for the year is up 21%. Grade: C+

Item 3: Raise Awareness of using Natural and Local Goods. In the same state as the last post. Grade: A-

Item 4: This has been the most improved item, although it took a sad event to improve here. It was very enjoyable to spend more time with my family, and although I haven’t had much time the past couple of weeks with all the catching up that needs to be done, some great things came out that will keep the flow going here. Grade: B

Item 5: Read At Least One Book Every Three Weeks. I have fallen off the pace more than a bit and most likely will not be able to catch up this year. Not that I won’t try… Grade: D

Item 6: Review an Indie Writer's Book...At Least 6 this Year. I am right on track with four reviews written; that keeps me right on pace with a review every other month. Grade: C

Item 7: Get into nature at least five times a month: Another place of great improvement. I spend at least an hour every day in nature, which has greatly helped me in meditation, Reiki, and life. Grade: B+

Item 8: Increase Spiritual Pursuits. I do daily meditations daily, both walking and the more known Buddhist style. I still find them to be especially strong the day after a new moon and the day before a full moon. Wonderful things are happening here, even though my lower brain still yells a little too loud at times. I was attuned to Reiki Master level, and this weekend will begin Reiki Master Teacher training. Grade: A-

Item 9: STC. This one is largely on hold. I continue to research and watch developments so that I am ready at a moment’s notice. Grade: C

Item 10: Master Polish. Doskonale! (Excellent).  Ha! I wish! More pieces of the puzzle are coming together as I enter into level A2 classes. Speaking is still a challenge, but reading comprehension is much better, writing is getting better as well as my spelling, and listening are going well. Grade: B+

Item 11: Continue to Frequent the Little Guy. Done and done…no change here. Grade: A-

Item 12: Shameless Self Promotion. I have continued my efforts and recently surpassed 1000 Twitter followers...all of which are non-spammer, active, users. Grade: B

Item 13: Aviation. Attended the EAA annual Fly-in, and have dived into aviation history as part of my book project. There is still a long way to go. Grade: D

Overall: Grade C+. I have made some big improvements in some areas, but fell off a little bit in others. This just proves that it is hard to balance everything that you want on your plate at the buffet table of life.

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