Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Bucket list Item 3: Raise Awareness of using Natural and Local Goods

Yesterday I mentioned a couple of topics that I am going to be writing about on the use of natural food and holistic remedies on your pets, cats in particular. I will be looking to promote this for people as well, not only by associating healthy changes for your pet with healthy changes for you, but also by posting here from time to time some of the healthy, natural and holistic breakthroughs and discoveries I have come across.

Topics such as using essential oils as medications, supplements, mood enhancers, stress relievers…the list goes on.  Another key topic is the food and water you intake, how to identify and avoid the genetically modified foods that everyone in the world is banning except for the U.S., and to buy locally grown and produced food when possible versus things imported from Mexico. Some irradiatiated veggies anyone?

Speaking of local foods, buy locally! Seriously…buy locally. Buying local, organic food is always the best, followed by local, non-GMO food. It is pretty easy to find local, organic food even in the winter. Root vegetables are easily stored when done so properly, and the growth of aquaponic, hydroponic, and year round greenhouse growing make organic food readily available year round, even in the coldest of climates. I found a winter farmer’s market in Anchorage, AK, that does just that…fresh, organic vegetables available year round. A quick web search should reveal where these places are. One trick to know is that most winter growers often will sell direct to the customer if the customer comes to their place of operation. Also, keep in mind that this also applies to meat, dairy, eggs, and fish, and other foodstuff products as well…organic is not just a vegetarian thing. A vast world of discovery waits!

And then we have CSA’s, which I will save for down the road to keep this from getting too long.

Local products can be found as well, it is just a matter of getting out and exploring your world. 

Much more to grab your notepad and get ready to take notes.

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