The toughest part of freelance writing and blogging is the
balancing act one must perform between a day job, writing related tasks and
reading, spending time with family and friends, and the general day to day life
things that we all come across.
Although I would like to think that I have it all under
control, there are moments when it becomes painfully obvious that I do not.
Life, no matter how much you think you are planning or manifesting, still
manages to throw in a series of unpredictable events that quickly lay waste to
even the best laid out plans. Things like losing your car for a day or two, or
missing a flight to find everything else booked, or something throwing you off
your game just enough to give that odd, but not very pleasant, amiss feeling as
your day moves forward, can all mess up your rhythm and lead to all those great
writing plans going astray.
So how does one maintain the balance of work and writing
with life demands? They are all necessary; you need work to pay the bills, and
you need writing to feel whole, while you need life to provide love energy
exchange with significant others, family, friends, and the universe as a whole.
Deep breaths....meditation....strength...pushing out and
releasing all things negative and anxiety provoking. Accepting that there are
some things that will come up that you cannot change the direction of, and that
in riding out the wave, things will smooth out, and you will be back on track.
Sound easy? Of course it isn't.
But that doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong, just
that you are evolving. As you adapt and adjust to the changes and events coming
and going at sometimes breakneck speed, it almost seems to start getting easier
the more insane it gets. For me, the crazier it is, the more focused I am...not
that I'm rooting for crazy. I do enjoy a mostly relaxed pace, but in short
spurts crazy busy can lead to some crazy grand results.
Embrace what comes your
way, as it is meant to come your way to develop some aspect of your life,
career, or spirituality.
Yes, I know it's not easy, and I have certainly failed at it
many times myself. I shake off the failures, regroup, try to learn from what I
did wrong, and move onto the next task.